Trump Forces a Ceasefire Down Joe Biden’s Throat [Updated]

Behold the power of social media and a president who knows how to use it


Existence is Resistance

Benjamin Netanyahu’s head must still be spinning, stunned by Donald Trump’s ability to see him for the vicious, leg-humping poodle he is. This is not something he’s used to. Bibi has grown accustomed to bullying Joe Biden with surprise announcements contradicting the president’s own prior announcements and watching him capitulate publicly, no doubt with great satisfaction.

That shit is well and truly over. Our Donald is an egomaniac — the one and only star of a global psychodrama, and no one stands in his light. He warned Bibi to finish up in Gaza before he took office, and Netanyahu foolishly tested him, only to be summoned on the Sabbath to prostrate himself before Trump’s envoy — and later, within hours, the world.

Donald leaked the ceasefire deal and took credit for it, and he is damned well not going to be humiliated by some little foreign lapdog. No doubt he’s taken great pleasure in snapping the leash and listening to the little bitch yelp.

So Donald saw right through Netanyahu: recognized what an impostor he is, how he failed to accomplish a single stated objective. He razed Gaza almost completely but he couldn’t defeat Hamas: they’re stronger than ever now, despite tens of billions in US financial aid, and weapons, and ammo, and intel and logistical support. Netanyahu lost the fight absolutely, and shrewd Donald could smell the stench of failure miles off. What is this superpower that Trump seems to have?

The social network
Consider this: On 16 January 2025 Lawrence O’Donnell interviewed Joe Biden for MSNBC, and asked the president about his first discussion of a ceasefire with Netanyahu. Biden recalled that it happened, “…when [Bibi]…moved really hard…on the Philadelphia [sic] Line…and took out a hospital.” He added that, “Sinwar and those guys were hiding [] beneath the hospital.”

Apparently, Biden has been grotesquely misinformed by his staff, or is now a mental vegetable, or both (as I believe). It’s fair to suspect that Vegetable Biden’s entire diet of information is curated as strictly, and as cynically, as Bush Junior’s was.

Donald, in contrast, is a creature of social media. We already know from his first term that he only half-listens to his cabinet secretaries and advisors. When he famously claimed to know more about the war on terror than the generals, he meant that they’re Crystal City troglodytes who rely on highly-processed briefings, whereas he gets his information organically: unedited and un-curated from raw sources, and he considers himself a savvy enough consumer of information to filter out the rubbish.

So he will have watched the endless scenes of demonic savagery in Gaza available to everyone via social media, and he will have drawn his own inferences. He would have seen the Qassam Brigades humiliating IDF army stooges. He would have noticed that carpet bombing destroyed many thousands of buildings, but also tends to harden a people’s resolve, not break it. He would have seen that Palestine simply cannot be defeated by force of arms.

So our Donald, the first US president nourished exclusively on reality TV and social media, intuitively sussed out the massive fraud of Israel’s Swords of Iron War, and snuffed it out before assuming the throne.

If Bibi would like to test him some more, by, say, announcing that Donald’s ceasefire isn’t a genuine, legally-binding one, and that he reserves the right to attack the Palestinians whenever he pleases for whatever reason strikes his fancy, he’ll be in for another sharp correction via his collar and leash. Because if there’s one thing Donald won’t tolerate, it’s a minor-league leg-humper making him look weak or foolish. So my money’s on the ceasefire holding and becoming permanent as it unfolds in stages according to the plan that President Bok Choi proposed in May of 2024, but lacked the balls to implement.

Three Updates 20 January // 1: Just after I published this, Bibi addressed the nation via TV claiming that the ceasefire is only temporary and he can resume exterminating Palestinians whenever he pleases. But he dropped his signature blue necktie and white shirt combo reflecting the Israeli flag for a red-tie MAGA makeover. Is he signaling that he cleared this with Donald in advance and is now speaking with MAGA voice, or is he begging Trump to let it be so?

Apparently the surgeons removed more than just his prostate

// 2: Donald just delivered his inauguration speech. He went on for over 30 minutes, and he did not say the word “Israel” even once. He took credit for releasing the hostages “in the Middle East,” which of course means Palestinian as well as Israeli ones. Damn, that was a beautiful moment. One imagines Bibi is inconsolable.

// 3: During a press event on Monday, Donald said he wasn’t confident that the ceasefire would hold. “That’s not our war. It’s their war,” he said. Which suggests that his only concern was a brief pause timed to brighten his inaugural début, rather than a major achievement to brighten his tenure in office. Very Donald, unfortunately, and quite disappointing, but I’ll take what I can get.




Thomas Greene 🇮🇪 🇵🇸🔻
Thomas Greene 🇮🇪 🇵🇸🔻

Written by Thomas Greene 🇮🇪 🇵🇸🔻

26 + 6 = 1. Dublin, Paddystine. Award winning nominee. Bua do throdaithe saoirse na Palaistíne!

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