Israel Is Not A Legitimate State

It’s a 7-million-strong international lynch mob


“What you lookin’ at, goy?”

Last year, Israel claimed to be punishing Hamas for daring to stage a ghetto uprising in Gaza. Within weeks, the entire strip became a free-fire zone in which the civilian population was terrorized with widespread and flagrantly-visible atrocities. I published an article in early November 2023 saying that the Israelis had already gone too far. They’ve continued going too far throughout the eleven months since, and have even expanded their deadly assaults into the occupied West Bank and Lebanon.

The state of Israel can be understood as a Judeo-supremacist Jim Crow society animated by fear and loathing of a population that they seek to control through intimidation. The similarities between it and the post-Reconstruction American South are striking. I’d like to explore that idea for a bit, so bear with me.

Déjà vu all over again
I recently published a video about lynchings in the Jim Crow South; and while I was researching and writing it, I was struck by the similarities to the Zionist occupation of Palestine. A systematic program of mass lynchings is at the heart of both.

An interactive map of US Racial Violence

So what is lynching? Here’s what I think: it starts with an accusation that some law or community standard has been violated, which establishes the pretext for violence. I would define the act itself as public, extrajudicial capital punishment, and it has two objectives: the first is to assert social or racial supremacy, quite simply by exercising it, and the second is to terrorize the minority population as a means of social control.

Lynching, then, is the exercise, and the enforcement, of social or ethnic supremacy through a program of extravagantly violent and terrifying spectacles that are meant to be seen, talked about, and above all, feared by every member of the target community and beyond.

Now, if we substitute Jewish supremacy for White supremacy, and Muslims for free Blacks, a lot (not all) of the pieces line up neatly together.

Israel has a segregated social system for non-Jewish citizens. Arab Israelis, trapped in a modern Jim Crow society, cannot travel freely, cannot study or work or live where they please, are monitored relentlessly, and are disqualified from many opportunities to improve their lives. They are subject to arrest on the flimsiest of pretexts, and are tried in separate courts. Because so few Palestinians hold Israeli citizenship, their votes are diluted and largely ineffective. And this is not to mention the millions of non-citizen Palestinians literally trapped in ghettos, surrounded by walls and guard towers.

Southern Democrats thwarted Reconstruction with poll taxes and literacy tests to dilute the black vote; with segregation; with the black codes which made it trivially easy to arrest a black person and charge them with some petty violation like loitering, and sentence them to prison where their labor could be leased out to private employers, with the state confiscating all of their earnings.

Jim Crow laws ensured that free blacks could be relegated to inferior legal and social status, with inferior prospects at every step from the cradle to the grave. Separate but equal was a bald-faced lie in America then, as it is in occupied Palestine today.

The spectacle’s the thing
Overkill is an important element in the lynching strategy. Extravagance is itself a mechanism of terror. The kinds of ordnance the IDF air force has been dropping in populated areas creates a brutalized ecosystem within which Palestinians circulate in a constant state of fear and stress. If that weren’t enough, Israeli officials have lately added a new brief to their festival of depravity: by attacking Lebanon, they’re sending a loud message throughout the region that they can get away with stringing up anyone who so much as looks at them funny. They’ve been granted impunity chiefly by the Americans and their obedient pets like the Canadians, British, Germans, and French. They intend to exercise it ruthlessly and exhibit it shamelessly.

The current extension of hostilities into Lebanon is illegal and reckless. It serves no legitimate military or security purpose because Hezbollah cannot be defeated. That’s simply a fact. The entire Lebanese mission consists of being seen to commit mass murder, and being seen to get away with it. That in itself is very powerful stuff.

The Israelis are killing people they hate simply because it feels good, only to see them replaced by people they don’t know. The IDF cannot win. They’re not trying to win. The only question is how badly they will lose. If Hezbollah should yield and permit a significant incursion, that will be a tactical move, as in, “Come into my parlor,” said the spider to the fly.

Therefore, every death in Lebanon by Israeli hands is an unnecessary death, a vindictive death, a dopamine rush. Every death in Lebanon, Gaza, and the occupied West Bank is a lynching, a terrorist act. Incredibly, the West has granted Israel immunity from punishment for anything it might do to anyone. And that fact specifically is what Netanyahu is broadcasting.

Consider the attacks on UNIFIL peacekeepers in Lebanon on October 10th and 11th. I read it as Israel probing, testing, sizing up the reactions. Predictably, there have been none, not even from the UN. The Israelis have their answer; they’ve been assured that they can murder peacekeepers. No one gets in Israel’s way.

Everyone in the region understands the message Israel is sending: “The Western powers will green-light any demand we issue no matter how reckless, criminal, or irrational it might be.”

The state of Israel appears to be governed, and largely populated, by Judeo-supremacist Klansmen. No wonder American rednecks and MAGA suckers adore them so. A year ago, I entertained hopes that the majority of Israelis would see reason, oppose the IDF’s monstrous behavior, and hold their government to account; but it has since become obvious that most Israelis approve of crimes against humanity, although not everyone is as keen as Netanyahu to sacrifice the hostages in order to commit them.

Israel is a sick, hateful society, brainwashed by decades of rule by sociopaths and infected with paranoid fear, exactly like the Jim Crow South. Its army and air force stooges kill for sport. Its degenerate politicians celebrate ethnic cleansing. It has long been the single greatest threat to peace and stability throughout the Middle East.

It’s a neurotic state, like North Korea, one that every one of us, Jews included, would be better off without. But the West will never acknowledge that fact. If a year’s worth of 24/7 live-streamed atrocities won’t shake their determination to preserve Judeo-supremacist privilege and power in the Middle East, nothing will. I’ve lost hope that the post-war international establishment of laws and liberal ethics can protect us from this profoundly toxic menace.

All I can do is hope that the Zionists and their overseas sponsors and collaborators will one day discover, to their absolute horror, that there really is a God after all.



Thomas Greene 🇮🇪 🇵🇸🔻
Thomas Greene 🇮🇪 🇵🇸🔻

Written by Thomas Greene 🇮🇪 🇵🇸🔻

26 + 6 = 1. Dublin, Paddystine. Best-selling award nominee. Bua do throdaithe saoirse na Palaistíne! https://www.youtube.com/@wiredgourmet

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